NOW Celebrates International Equal Pay Day

Released on September 18, 2024

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes  The United Nations established International Equal Pay Day on September 18, 2020, to accelerate the realization of the principle of “equal pay for equal work of equal value” and ensure recognition of women’s major contribution to the economy.    “Across all regions,” the UN says, “women are Read more …

Voter Registration Day is More Important Than Ever

Released on September 17, 2024

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes   September 17 is Voter Registration Day, America’s largest nonpartisan civic holiday–dedicated to celebrating our democracy and activating citizens.  Since it began in 2012, National Voter Registration Day has worked to get over 5 million Americans registered to vote. Groups like NOW, community and neighborhood organizations, public figures, Read more …

NOW Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act

Released on September 11, 2024

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes   September 13, 2024, marks the 30th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and is a day of both celebration and rededication. Thanks in large part to President Biden, who led the original fight for VAWA in the U.S. Senate, we now have a federal law Read more …

Donald Trump’s Debate Performance Was Predictable, Pathetic and Failed

Released on September 10, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC — Donald Trump behaved exactly the way we knew he would in his debate with Kamala Harris. He was insulting, ignorant, and mean. That’s the way he always reacts to women in power. He goes back to being a schoolyard bully. It’s clear that Donald Trump is afraid of Kamala Harris—that’s why his Read more …

Trump’s Misogynist Post About Kamala Harris Is Disgusting, Disgraceful, and Revealing

Released on August 30, 2024

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes WASHINGTON, D.C. —Christian F. Nunes, National NOW President, issued the following statement on Donald Trump’s continued misogynistic social media posts: “Donald Trump is a convicted felon, misogynist, and sexual predator who continues to use sexual violence as a weapon to silence women. What’s more, his entire campaign Read more …